Ferrari 458 Spider WIP
Working on a Ferrari model to add another car to my portfolio so I can to apply to some car modeling positions.
I'd like to eventually model and rig it to the point where I can animate the roof rotating backwards to turn it into a convertible, and model the interior as well, plus maybe the engine.
What I got so far:
R.I.P. Steve Jobs
I never post non-art related blog posts here, but without Steve Jobs, 3D might have been where it is today. R.I.P. <3 (Picture totally stolen from a forum.)
UMP .45 W.I.P
I needed some hard-surface modeling in my life. :P
Once I'm done the high-poly, I'll make the low-poly and bake it, then I'll get to texturing. After that, I'm considering applying for work on a mod while I work a "regular" job, so I can build up some experience while I apply for modeler jobs.
If anyone is interested in the progress, I have a thread on NGHS:
Old speed model
Had this lying around from my course at Cap.
The modelers had to model the new batmobile in 3 hours. My result:
Practicing characters
One of my instructors at Capilano University thinks I can "model the crap out of anything hard-surface", and so suggested so organic stuff instead. :P
I'm not comfortable at all with organic modeling, so I thought it would be good to follow the Joan of Arc tutorial, and after I'll try my hand at a whole new character from some concept piece.
I might rework the body to make it more anatomically correct, or save the the correctness for a later model and just worry about finishing the tutorial. Still deciding..
What I have so far:
STAP Work In Progress
As mentioned in a previous post, I'm working on a STAP for my droid. I'll be texturing it, then pose my droid with it, and do some lighting..and all that cool stuff.
M1 Abrams
Just remembered I had this lying around from Cap Uni.
I get the feeling modeling an M1 Abrams is a sort of rite of passage for hardsurface modelers the same way sculpting the Hulk/Batman/Hellboy is for ZBrush artists, so I'll definitely be finishing this off in the near future. :P
Bugatti Veyron...WIP
Meh, not a ton of effort put into this one. I'm labelling it a work in progress because I'll probably end up revisiting it and improve it.
Default occlusion preset pass ftw?
Updated Droid
I actually updated the textures right around grad (late April), but completely forgot about it...So here's the updated version of my droid. :D
It's pretty much only more scratches, but I think it looks a little better. I also plan on finishing the speeder I was modeling for him, which I'll try to get done soon-ish. (Still got other projects I'm working on..Maybe I should just stick with one..)
Airport Hangar (work in progress)
Thought I'd post this before I'm off to Holland for 3 weeks.
Based on this image:
(Still a few proportion issues I need to fix.)
Moment of Glory
Figured I'd post this here. :D
I'm an editor for eXtelevision, which does "eSports" coverage, and we have a series called "Moments of Glory" which are videos made from clips that players send in. If an editor likes a clip submission, they'll record and edit it, and then it'll be posted on the eXtv channel.
Pretty much all of the clips are from Team Fortress 2 scrims/matches (no public server footage is allowed), but we are trying to expand it to Quake Live, and maybe more.
Anways, here's the latest one I did:
Low-poly armored car
Following a tutorial from CG-Tuts. Weighs in at about 9k faces.
I'm not too concerned with accuracy as far as the real thing goes for this one. I'm focusing more on what I'm learning from the tutorial.
First 3Ds Max model
Thanks to this tut:
I couldn't figure out how to get a somewhat-decent looking AO render in Max, so I just brought it into Maya to render.
Learning 3Ds Max
Yup. From what I've seen it has some really cool modeling features, and I figure it'd be good to have two 3D programs under my belt.
(ZBrush/Mudbox mastery comes after I get a good tablet..)
As far as the attempted daily model goes...I spent an entire 30 minutes on this! It was harder than it looked. I wouldn't classify it as done, but it'll do for now. (Geometry isn't fantastic)
Quick Model #1
Hoping to one quick model a day.
This one took hour? Probably should've been able to do that in half the time..
Battle Droid textured
Pretty much done, although I'll probably come back and touch up the texturing.
Thanks to Kert Saville for rigging it and Adam Garland for helping me with the lighting.
Maya tip videos
I decided to start a series of videos showing different tips and tricks in Maya. Got three so far! :D (Edit: I think I messed up the FPS. The videos look a little sluggish..)
My final grad-page. :D
I would've liked to have the droid scene fully textured, but apparently you can't always get what you want, so..
Droid chillin' like a villian
Just a quick render to show actual model of the droid. There were no good orthographic views to be found, so I just had to eyeball the proportions from looking at movie stills, and renders of a fantastic model by Pierrick Guenneugues, which can be found here:
Thanks to Kert Saville for rigging the droid.
Droid texturing progress
Progress on my droid..
AT-AT Walker
Final version of the AT-AT, as far as my demo reel goes. I might add some more details for my final demo reel, but the deadline for the gradbook hand-in is coming up fast, so I'll be spending my time on the main piece for that.
Video Progress of Barrett M107
Decided to put a video together of screenshots taken every 10 seconds of me modeling an M107.
(Punctuation is for suckers.)