29Jul/11 0

M1 Abrams

Just remembered I had this lying around from Cap Uni.
I get the feeling modeling an M1 Abrams is a sort of rite of passage for hardsurface modelers the same way sculpting the Hulk/Batman/Hellboy is for ZBrush artists, so I'll definitely be finishing this off in the near future. :P

26Jul/11 0

Bugatti Veyron...WIP

Meh, not a ton of effort put into this one. I'm labelling it a work in progress because I'll probably end up revisiting it and improve it.

Default occlusion preset pass ftw?

25Jul/11 0

Updated Droid

I actually updated the textures right around grad (late April), but completely forgot about it...So here's the updated version of my droid. :D
It's pretty much only more scratches, but I think it looks a little better. I also plan on finishing the speeder I was modeling for him, which I'll try to get done soon-ish. (Still got other projects I'm working on..Maybe I should just stick with one..)