17May/11 0

Moment of Glory

Figured I'd post this here. :D

I'm an editor for eXtelevision, which does "eSports" coverage, and we have a series called "Moments of Glory" which are videos made from clips that players send in. If an editor likes a clip submission, they'll record and edit it, and then it'll be posted on the eXtv channel.

Pretty much all of the clips are from Team Fortress 2 scrims/matches (no public server footage is allowed), but we are trying to expand it to Quake Live, and maybe more.

Anways, here's the latest one I did:

14May/11 1

Low-poly armored car

Following a tutorial from CG-Tuts. Weighs in at about 9k faces.
I'm not too concerned with accuracy as far as the real thing goes for this one. I'm focusing more on what I'm learning from the tutorial.

09May/11 0

First 3Ds Max model

Thanks to this tut:

I couldn't figure out how to get a somewhat-decent looking AO render in Max, so I just brought it into Maya to render.

07May/11 0

Learning 3Ds Max

Yup. From what I've seen it has some really cool modeling features, and I figure it'd be good to have two 3D programs under my belt.
(ZBrush/Mudbox mastery comes after I get a good tablet..)

As far as the attempted daily model goes...I spent an entire 30 minutes on this! It was harder than it looked. I wouldn't classify it as done, but it'll do for now. (Geometry isn't fantastic)

06May/11 0

Quick Model #1

Hoping to one quick model a day.

This one took about...an hour? Probably should've been able to do that in half the time..

05May/11 0


Thought it might be a good idea to post it here...
I'm working on stuff for an environment reel now, as there seem to be more jobs doing environment stuff.