21Apr/11 0

Battle Droid textured

Pretty much done, although I'll probably come back and touch up the texturing.

Thanks to Kert Saville for rigging it and Adam Garland for helping me with the lighting.

15Apr/11 0

Maya tip videos

I decided to start a series of videos showing different tips and tricks in Maya. Got three so far! :D (Edit: I think I messed up the FPS. The videos look a little sluggish..)

15Apr/11 0


My final grad-page. :D
I would've liked to have the droid scene fully textured, but apparently you can't always get what you want, so..

06Apr/11 0

Droid chillin' like a villian

Just a quick render to show actual model of the droid. There were no good orthographic views to be found, so I just had to eyeball the proportions from looking at movie stills, and renders of a fantastic model by Pierrick Guenneugues, which can be found here: http://gpierrick.blogspot.com/

Thanks to Kert Saville for rigging the droid.

02Apr/11 0

Droid update

Getting there.