11May/13 0

Aventador update

Getting there. Just need to finish up the back and add some details, plus spend a little more time on the tires.

19Apr/13 0


Haven't posted in awhile..
Here's an Aventador I'm working on. Might do an A-10 after.

07Aug/12 0

Plane Update 2

Getting so close to being done. I'm at the point where I'm just going through reference images looking for pieces left to model.

22Jul/12 0


Wow I haven't posted on here in awhile.

I've been busy working on an airplane model for a movie pitch. Can't say much more about it.
My website has some full shots of it:

Just finished figuring out the bottom part (mostly). Took some creativity with the edgeloops, but I think the result is good enough.

29Jan/12 0


Decided I should probably finish this since I'm nearly done the high poly.

15Jan/12 0

MBT Firewalker

Finished modeling the Ferrari, which is almost good to go for my demo reel.

Now I'm going to work on this mech-ish tank contraption from a concept of this envy-inducting talented individual: http://karanak.livejournal.com/

10Jan/12 0

Ferrari update

Getting close to finishing it. :D